Docker-Compose Pull

Pull the required images for the deployment. You can download the compose scripts here

docker compose pull

Deploy the application

docker compose up -d

If using the .env file included;

docker compose --env-file .env up

Validate your controller and UI are available

Check the health status of the BCP Controller:


Login to the Web UI:


Next Steps

  • Deploy a load balancer, reverse proxy or API gateway to parse all traffic
  • Create a public facing DNS/endpoint such as that directs all HTTP traffic

Startup Logs Example

{"Product":"BCPController","level":"info","msg":"Starting router on port: 8080","time":"2022-07-12T00:13:49+10:00"}
{"Product":"BCPController","level":"info","msg":"NewPostgresClient connected","time":"2022-07-12T00:13:49+10:00"}
{"Product":"BCPController","level":"info","msg":"HealthCheckHandler :: HealthCheck OK","time":"2022-07-12T00:14:47+10:00"}
{"Product":"BCPController","level":"info","msg":"DeepHealthCheckHandler :: HealthCheck OK","time":"2022-07-12T00:14:47+10:00"}