BCP Controller API Keys

Prior to Installation, we'll require a strong/random string. Generate this before hand, and keep it in a safe place.

Generate a SHA256 string

Using SHA256, generate a string.

date | sha256sum | base64 | head -c 64; echo
Example Output:

OpenSSL Random String

Using OpenSSL, generate a string:

openssl rand -base64 64
Example Output:

Save this key for later

  • Save this key to your secret manager
  • Ensure this is protected and secured at all times
  • You can rotate this key on a regular basis, be sure to update the deployment + Cloud App

Atlassian Cloud - API Key

You will need to generate an API Key for your Atlassian Environment. We recommend a dedicated service account that can have authentication policies applied in Atlassian Access. Alternate, a username+API key can be used for eval and demo environments.

Please refer to the Atlassian documentation on how to generate an API key: Generate an API Token

Cloud Required Permissions:

  • Administrator access OR full browse to all spaces